Takeaway from Workshop:
Understanding PLS-SEM Basics:
PLS-SEM is a variance-based method suited for complex predictive models, especially when data is non-normal or sample sizes are small to medium.
It’s a powerful tool for building and testing relationships between latent constructs (unobservable variables) and measured indicators.
Model Specification:
Learn to define both the measurement model (linking constructs to their indicators) and the structural model (linking constructs to each other).
Emphasis on correct specification of formative vs. reflective indicators and the impact of this on model outcomes.
Path Modeling and Bootstrapping:
Bootstrapping (a resampling technique) is key in PLS-SEM to determine the significance of path coefficients.
The workshop usually covers how to interpret path coefficients, weights, and loadings, as well as model fit and reliability.
Evaluation of Model Quality:
Learn to evaluate reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability) and validity (e.g., AVE for convergent validity, Fornell-Larcker criterion for discriminant validity).
Common model fit metrics in PLS-SEM include SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Residual) and NFI (Normed Fit Index).
Predictive Power and Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA):
Workshops often cover how to use IPMA in PLS-SEM to assess the importance of constructs for prediction and the performance of constructs in the model, aiding in actionable insights.
Software Training:
Hands-on training on software like SmartPLS or WarpPLS, where you learn to set up, run, and interpret SEM models within a user-friendly interface.
Interpreting Results and Reporting:
Best practices for reporting PLS-SEM results, including guidelines on presenting coefficients, significance levels, and fit indices, as well as common pitfalls to avoid in interpretation.