Do Confirmatory Analysis Using AMOS.
Establish Reliability and Validity of a Scale Using AMOS.
Do Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS.
Analyze Complex Path Models and Derive Insight from Multivariate Data.
If you are looking to test a complex structural model then you already know the importance of AMOS. Its a powerful and one of the most popular tool for doing Structural Equation Modelling.
If you are a Researcher then your knowledge of research will not be complete unless you Master SEM as vast majority of Researches are increasingly using SEM.
This course is relevant to scholars and researchers who wish to apply structural equation modelling analysis for their research work.
This is a detailed Structural Equation Modelling Course that covers all the preliminary and advance topics related to Structural Equation Modelling Analysis.
No prior knowledge about Structural Equation Modelling is required.